client: kooperativa / agency: yinachi / director: juraj janiš
Life is unpredictable. Scratch that; it’s a minefield and we all just hope to be lucky enough to avoid being that day’s collateral damage. But since that’s not always possible, Kooperativa has you covered, from the big to the tiny to the everyday. That’s what the newest campaign for Kooperativa is all about: It comes in handy to have them around. Cause you never know when it’s your turn to step on a mine.
Preciseness of vision and a taste for enjoying the moment as you make it are what helped make Kooperativa an enjoyable — and successful — shoot. The spots are clever, but they’re subtle, making everyday situations relatable and at the same time, funny. Sounds simple, but wouldn’t it be the way that for an insurance spot, we were tested by variables you just can’t plan for.
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