t-mobile: Q branch

client: t-mobile / agency: saatchi&saatchi / director: tomáš bařina / DOP: jan velický

about the work

What do you do when they capture your best female agent? You call in your best male agent Ivan Trojan, the boogiefilms production, director Tomáš Bařina, director of photography Jan Velický, and the Saatchi&Saatchi Agency and they will devise a way for you to save her. This time the secret operation took place at a castle in Zruč nad Sázavou, a mansion full of greatly cast but bored villains. The agent in T-Mobile’s service used a ‘bomb’ to distract their attention from him and, in his escape, he was ultimately also aided by Gabrielle d'Estrées and one of her sisters. The outcome is a purely cinematographic spot where Tomáš Bařina showed us his sense of both humor and thrill, picking thus up a campaign he shot last year for the same client.



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