AA: car insurance

client: AA / agency: brando dublin / director: milan balog

about the work

Milan Balog is the director behind "Let's Go", a moving and lyrical piece for AA Insurance that shows the landscape of human experience: joy, adventure, solitude, sadness, play, love. By interweaving emotion, texture, colours, Balog and agency Brando Ireland manage to create a visual story that is at once visceral and touching. Boogie Films - the production company for "Let's Go" and long-time collaborators with Balog and Brando Ireland - seem to have found a formula that works; this is the third commercial in a row that Balog and team have successfully gotten into Shots.net. Little wonder, though, when a film about car insurance manages to remind us of what life - and filmmaking - is really all about: the people we love and the magic moments that make up each person's story.

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